Overtime, there have been passionate concerns on the level of inclusion of youth in governance. These concerns have become more reinforced with the obvious ditch of youth in governance consideration, which has in recent time fuelled agitations.

Though, youth are believed to form major segment and an indispensable ingredients in Nigeria’s democratic process, but that has yet to translate into their inclusion in governance. When available statistics credited them for two-third of votes that decides whoever hold political office(s) in the country, youths are still ignored when considerations for governance is made.

Just recently, an advocacy for youth inclusion in governance birthed the #NotTooYoungToRun bill, which the National Assembly and President Muhammadu Buhari worked on to be part of our law. If not for anything, the campaign summed up the frustration of youths to their deliberate exclusion from governance.

Gradually, the days of youths been reduced to dirty roles of creating violence and terrorizing people with opposing views to supposed pay masters is fast fading. They have come to the realization that they hold the ace in determining the tune and dimensions of the political space and as such, should stop being lackey to the old order.

It is incontrovertible that youths are possessed with dynamics creativity, talents and energies, which if given the platform to explore, will add more value to governance. More so, not considering youth input into policy formulation which bears directly or indirectly on them, have contributed immensely to the major challenges facing Nigeria as a nation.

Though, some have argued that policy-making should be restricted to ‘Aged Professionals and Experienced’, but it is obvious that most of our challenges are new and exploring fresh ideas and zeal would give more clarity to solutions. Nigeria is blessed with brilliant and exceptional minds, whose inclusion to governance will make a significant difference.

Without mincing words, youth inclusion in governance will expose and guide them to better understand the task of nation building process and improve their patriotism zeal. By involving and empowering young brains through the political process, they tend to develop important skills, improve self-confidence and some sense of belonging in governance while taking home a greater understanding of governance that is important in both newly formed and well-established democracies.